
什么是电子商务? 启动和发展在线销售渠道

Find out what ecommerce is, along with the advantages and disadvantages for different ways of conducting business online.
lo-fi illustration of various amazon brand storefronts


“电子商务”(电商)是互联网上商品和服务贸易的总称。它将熙熙攘攘的市中心商业区和实体店转化为信息高速公路上的网上商店。全球预计有 21.4 亿人会在线购买商品和服务,在亚马逊商城购物的 Prime 会员人数已达到 2 亿


Did you know?

The numbers show ecommerce growth trends

In 2023, brand owners’ sales grew more than 22% in the Amazon store compared to the previous year. US-based sellers also sold more than 4.5 billion items to customers and averaged more than $250,000 in annual sales.



  1. 研究业务创意
  2. 确保您想要销售的商品有市场需求
  3. 确定您将如何向买家销售和配送商品
  4. 寻找供应商和制造商
  5. 选择您要销售的在线渠道(例如,亚马逊商城)
Along the way, many ecommerce tools and technologies work together to help make online purchases possible. On the technical side, the transaction can depend on data, logistics, warehousing, supply chains, and other systems and processes.

Did you know?

You can offer customers fast, free shipping through Amazon Prime

Shipping times and costs can be a major obstacle for customers as they make purchasing decisions. To help sellers spend less and get orders to customers as quickly as possible, Amazon provides free, two-day shipping through Prime.

To offer this, you can enroll products in Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) to send inventory into Amazon’s global fulfillment network and make use of a fully automated set of services we call Supply Chain by Amazon.




Learn the lingo:

M-commerce; enterprise ecommerce

Online transactions that take place on mobile devices are known as mobile commerce or m-commerce. Enterprise ecommerce is the buying and selling of products to large companies or organizations. M-commerce and enterprise ecommerce are two ecommerce examples.


  • B2C – 企业向个人消费者(最终用户)销售商品。这是最常见的电子商务模式,后续发展出了很多其他模式。
  • B2B – 企业向其他企业销售商品。通常情况下,这类买家会将商品转售给消费者。
  • C2B – 消费者向企业销售商品。C2B 业务可让消费者向其他公司销售商品。
  • C2C – 消费者向其他消费者销售商品。企业创建的在线商城将消费者彼此连接在一起。
  • B2G – 企业向政府或政府机构销售商品。
  • C2G – 消费者向政府或政府机构销售商品。
  • G2B – 政府或政府机构向企业销售商品。
  • G2C – 政府或政府机构向消费者销售商品。
Business models can also vary. You might make direct sales, offer customer subscriptions, or earn money through affiliate marketing and other methods.




在移动设备上进行的在线交易称为移动电子商务或“m-commerce”。 随着全球消费者手中的便携式设备越来越多,到 2023 年,移动电子商务预计将占零售电子商务总销售额的 43% 以上(比 2022 年增长近 2%),这一点不足为奇。

Seller building his store webpage on Amazon

Steps to starting an ecommerce business

The steps to starting an ecommerce business can vary depending on factors like what you want to sell. For example, if you're selling services, then there’s no need to manage inventory or fulfillment. However, if you want to sell products online, then inventory and fulfillment will likely play a critical part in your operations.

Here are some steps you can follow to get started:
  1. Research business ideas.
  2. Make sure there’s demand for the products you want to sell.
  3. Determine how you'll sell and ship products to customers.
  4. Find suppliers and manufacturers.
  5. Choose which online channels you'll sell through.
  6. Create a website or online storefront and list products.
  7. Create a plan for your fulfillment strategy.
  8. Begin attracting customers with promotions.
Check out our guide to starting an ecommerce business for more details.
Kanda Chocolates

“I was like, ‘I can’t do chocolate because of the big brands, that would be crazy. But [I was told], ‘You’re not crazy, we can’t keep chocolate on the shelf. There’s always room for someone else.’ It was one of those lessons I learned early: There could be 50 brands of something, but it’s how you market it—and what your story is—that makes it a little bit different, that people might connect with.”

Headshot of Karen Blackwell
Karen Blackwell


与任何销售方式一样,电子商务也有利有弊。电子商务是否适合您? 这将取决于您的业务目标、目标消费群体和其他因素。以下是一些考虑因素。



2021 年,在亚马逊商城开店的美国中小企业出口了超过 2.25 亿件商品,国际销售额高达 20 亿美元。亚马逊买家购买了 39 亿件商品,约为每分钟 7,500 件。



Global marketing reach

In the past, a business’s reach was limited by the number of people able to physically enter through a store’s front doors. Today, the internet allows you to reach customers across the world. Make use of a wide variety of digital marketing and advertising options like cost-per-click (CPC) ads and virtual bundles to reach a diverse new mix of customers.



各种规模的企业和品牌均可借助亚马逊广告发展业务,在亚马逊超过 2 亿的全球 Prime 会员面前展示他们的商品。


得益于种类繁多的电子商务类型,买家只需点击几下,即可浏览所需选项,并从任何地方购买商品。亚马逊让您可以按照商品价格或功能,轻松对商品进行排序和比较。Amazon Pay 等在线付款创新功能可进一步简化结算流程。



所有这些优势都削减了开销。您无需支付租金或为建筑物维护问题忧心。您的店铺一经上线即全天 24 小时开放,无需像实体店铺一样需要看店或雇佣员工。


Did you know?

Interactive shopping experiences can increase engagement

Amazon’s augmented reality (AR) and 3D shopping experiences bring products to life, allowing customers to realistically evaluate products available for purchase online. From trying on shoes to visualizing products in their own homes, customers can use AR and 3D models to see products in detail from any angle.

Challenges of ecommerce



Limited interaction with customers and products

If your business relies on interacting with customers in person, it could be a challenge to expand into ecommerce. Alternatively, if you prefer communicating with customers via email or phone, this drawback might be a huge plus. But keep in mind customers could be deterred by a limited ability to test out or try on products. You’ll also need a system for handling returns or exchanges.

A related challenge? If you work with a third-party fulfillment provider like a dropshipper, you might not have the ability to inspect products and assess their quality.

Shipping and fulfillment at scale

In contrast to visiting a brick-and-mortar store, online customers can’t instantly take home the products they pick out. Sellers need to find a way to get products to customers. This might involve working with delivery options and third-party providers of other fulfillment services, from storage and packing to returns and customer service. Learn more about logistics in our guide to fulfillment.

Reliance on technology

While technology can be a major benefit, technical difficulties can negatively impact sales. Just as a hiccup in your supply chain can prevent timely delivery of products, internet issues or a hard drive failure could cost you time and money. Remember, for every technical issue you might encounter, there’s probably a solution or a preventative measure you can take, like backing up your data regularly. You can also lean on the reliable infrastructure of an established store like Amazon.

Data security concerns

Placing a purchase online and sharing payment details and other sensitive information can be a big barrier for customers. To earn customer trust and convert shoppers to buyers, transparently share details on your privacy policy and security precautions, like secure payment processing and how you safeguard personally identifiable information. You can communicate this via your web presence and in your terms and conditions.

Did you know?

In 2022, Amazon was ranked the most trusted brand by US consumers

As an Amazon seller, you can support Amazon’s commitment to customer trust, which can help attract more customers.


1. Select great products

High-quality products and services are at the heart of successful online brands. Your product should solve an unmet customer need or challenge at a compelling price point. Product quality and pricing can make or break your business. Do some market research to get a sense of what types of products your competitors are selling, as well as the value of similar products. You can also use ecommerce tools like Amazon’s Automate Pricing.




Did you know?

You can create a unique shopping experience with A+ Content

Brands registered with Brand Registry can use A+ Content—an advanced option for adding rich text, imagery, videos, and more to Amazon product detail pages. Create a multi-media experience for your audience with A+ Content, which can help increase sales by up to 20%.









亚马逊自动保护系统将持续扫描我们的商城,并主动下架疑似假冒商品。亚马逊 Project Zero 将亚马逊和品牌各自的优势相结合,彻底消灭假冒商品。



Jambalaya Girl

“I was limited at the time because I was just starting to sell in local grocery stores. And I was reaching so many roadblocks with expansion beyond that—it was challenging to get in front of a buyer. So I looked at Amazon and thought, ’Hey, this is where you go to find customers from all over the world.’ And that allowed me to start that conversation with those customers.”

Headshot of Kristen Preau
Kristen Preau


有电子商务创意? 了解如何从开设网店的设想走向在亚马逊商城开展自己的业务。接触全球超 3 亿买家,包括喜爱在亚马逊上购物的 2 亿亚马逊 Prime 会员。



常见问题: 电子商务

电子商务是在线买卖商品和服务的一种方法。电子商务的定义还可以包括联盟营销等策略。您可以使用多种电子商务渠道(如您自己的网站、亚马逊等知名销售网站或社交媒体)来推动在线销售。一些电子商务企业实行 100% 数字化运营,而其他企业则使用电子商务来作为实体店的补充或壮大已有品牌。
电子商务营销是一套策略,您可以用来引导买家购买在线提供的商品和服务。例如,您可以使用社交媒体营销来吸引买家访问网上商店。或者,如果您使用的是亚马逊这样的电子商务解决方案,则可以使用付费商品广告 (PLA) 来推广商品。有关更多信息,请参阅此电子商务营销策略指南。


每月 39.99 美元 + 销售费用